This is a double post for two days. Yesterday was nice, work was exhausting but meaningful. In the evening I played a couple hours Sniper Elite 5 Co-Op with a friend, it was an absolute blast. Just the talking and doing something together part, it means so much. I’m often exhausted after a day and don’t feel like doing something with others after work, but I should do it more, overcome this feeling more.

Today, work fucked me up massively, but I stood up for myself and didn’t let them to exploit that I still sometimes have problems in showing clear borders, and simply saying no. Feels nice, and I’m getting better here too I think. I finished work just in time to go out with friends (including one that majorly friendzoned me) to a christmas market. It was seriously more fun than I anticipated it would be. I really didn’t want to go a couple days ago. But today I went into it with a good mindset, like let’s just have some fun regardless and it really nice. So yeah overall nice two days.

I’m also planning attending a conference abroad in Summer, which was also something I would not have done a couple years ago, so I’m proud of that. The steps I make feel so slow, but in times like these I still feel I’ve a long way from where I started.

What I’m thankful today

My friends, family, and my colleague who has my back. Also for the self-help group where I can exchange with others like me.

Something good today

Having fun with friends, planning conference attendance.